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Having fun!!!!

Having fun!!!!
Me and Wilber

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mom and Dad are off to Hawaii for a week!

My Mom and Dad are heading out of town again! I don't get to go this time,but I don't mind too much. I get to go stay at what Dad calls "Doggie Camp" at Whitesburg Animal Hospital. I always get lots of attention there. Mom gets me the TLC Package for the weekends (Extra trips outside and Snacks). But during the week "Oh Boy" she signs me up for enrichment classes. We get to play, learn manners and just have a really good time with all my friends. I'm so worn out from all that fun that I'll need a nap or two when I get back home. See you in a week!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mean Old Cat !

I was cleaning the house the other day and Wilber thought he would take a nap in the middle of the bed in the spare bedroom while Mama worked. He was laying at an angle so he could open one eye and see out the window now and again. His nose just inches from the glass.
Well he had been in there for about 20 minutes when I stuck my head in the room to check on him. He kind of half opened his eyes to look out the window again when all of a sudden this BIG orange tabby cat jumped into the window. I wish you could have seen him. He jumped straight up and stood their with such a surprised look on his face. That look said I want to chase that cat and I wanted it bad!!! But how?  He new it was on the other side of the glass window. I don't think the cat ever saw Wilber because he just sat there. Bless his heart he was shaking from head to toe with anticipation. So not knowing what else to do he ran around the inside of the house trying to look out all the windows and then launched out the back door and barked a few times. Oh well! So much for his nice long nap. He hunted for that cat all afternoon.