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Me and Wilber

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Getting A New Baby Dog!

When my first greyhound Hilary (track name: "Stat Hilary") passed away I cried for two months of a broken heart. She had been such a wonderful pet and my best friend.  She had gone to work with me everyday and she would be missed by a lot of people not just me. But I decided I needed a new baby dog to fill the hole she left in mine and my husband's life. So we contacted Greyhound Pets of America in Nashville, TN., filled out the adoption papers and they talked to us about what we needed in a dog because they try to fit a dog's personality to your needs and experence.
The date and time was set and they would be bringing three dog to our house for us to choose from. There were two little females and one big male. The females were very sweet and beautiful dogs. One was a blue, blondish gray with gray eyes and the other was blond with a curly cow-lick on top of her head. they happily ran around the house and yard and checked everything out. But then there was the big male and he walked in the door and straight to my husband Mike and then to me. While we were in the house and in the yard he stayed next to me or Mike. And when I brought Hilary's old dog bed and placed it in the floor he just laid down and gave me a look that said I'm home. 
So on December 15th 2007 (track name "Well I'll Be" aka Will) became our Wilber and has become a major part of our family.