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Having fun!!!!

Having fun!!!!
Me and Wilber

Thursday, February 25, 2010

It was a Busy Weekend!

Last Sunday morning Mom, Dad and I went to Stones River National Battlefield, Murfreesboro, TN. We had a nice walk around the battlefield, checked out some cannons ( Dad  loves cannons) and then had a picnic. Mom had made us some sandwiches and I got a peanut butter one. It was such a beautiful day and I got to hunt for squirrels.You know they smell really good. After lunch  we went to the Tennessee Livestock Center at MTSU, also in Murfreesboro for the GPA/Nashville's Winter Gathering. I had so much fun there. I got to see my foster Mom & Dad, Stacy and Terry. Then there was a great big butt sniffing party with a hold bunch of new greyhound buddies. I was loved on a lot by my human friends and I ran around in the livestock arena with some of my new greyhound buddies. I got to do more friendly butt sniffing while Mom and Dad shopped, had some snacks and visited with their friends. We got to watched some of my fellow greyhounds race, just for fun, in a short little track.  It was a great fun filled day!  I was so tired, I slept most of the way home.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's Time to Party!!!

With my costume on and ready for a night on the town I got busted. Mom said I had to be in bed by 8 o'clock
or I'd turn into a pumpkin. I guess she's right, but I was so looking forward to whoop'n it up and partying down with my coyote buds here in the hood.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day Trip

Mike and I thought it would be a great idea to go to Seaside Beach, FL for a Valentine's Day vacation. Who knew we would have to drive through a blizzard in south Alabama to get there. I lived in south Alabama for over 30 years and have only see it snow that much once. Even though it was cold the sun came out and we did get to walk on the beach a few times.
Wilber however went to doggie camp at The Lodge at Whitesburg Animal Hospital.  He got the T.L.C. Package( extra treats & extra outside trips) and Pet Enrichment ( lots of play time) while he was there. He also had his nails done and got a health check. I don't know who had the better vacation. Mike says if he dies he would love to come back as my baby dog so I would spoil him too. Like he's not spoiled already.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is Daddy Home Yet???

Wilber and I have been staying home together since Christmas Eve when I lost my job managing a flower shop. He went to work with me everyday, slept on the coach in my office and greeted our customers. He had developed quite a following as the shops mascot and people came by with no other reason then to see Wilber and visit with us.
Now we are home most days and it's just me and Wilber. Things are pretty much the same as they were at the shop. I work on getting my Avon business started and he sleeps on the coach. We just don't have any visitors. But at about 4:00 in the afternoon he gets real antsy and keeps looking out the bedroom window. If he hears a car outside he runs into the living room and starts his "DADDY'S HOME!!!, DADDY'S HOME!!!! CELEBRATION running back and forth to the back door. If the car doesn't turn in the drive way he come and stands in front of me whining with a big question mark on his face that says "Where's Daddy?"  I guess he misses all the attention he got at the flower shop.
Anyway when Daddy does get home, "OH MY GOODNESS!" he dances, spins, runs back and forth, the rug in the kitchen goes flying, he can't contain his excitement  Daddy's home and all's right with  the world.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow Cat and Wilber

We had snow today! It just started with a few big fat snow flakes that turned into a Big Dump of Snow by about 11:00 am then it stopped. The temperature started to climb and the snow to melt so Wilber and I made a small snow cat before it all went away. He didn't quite know what to think of that cat.

But Mom there are deer in the back yard!

Two nights ago Wilber got up around 2:00am and needed to go outside.  He runs into my bedroom, shakes and puts that cold wet nose of his on the back of my neck. GET UP MOM! I get up and we go to the kitchen so he can go out into the backyard and take care of business. I open the door and he looks up and races across the yard at full speed and starts barking. There was a small herd of about 6 or 8 whitetail deer standing just outside the fence. They see Wilber and bolt. He wants to chase them, but can't because he's inside the fence. He is so furstrated that  he runs at full speed in several  big circles. Well it has been rainning for days and of couse the yard is soaked through. When he finely comes in he is covered with mud from head to toe. Mud is dripping on my kitchen floor, he shakes and now I'm covered in mud too. I have to get a wash rag and towel and wipe us both down. Once Wilber is all clean and dry he gets his cookie and goes back to bed.  I have to finish cleaning up the kitchen before I get to go back to bed.
Last night Wilber got me up at 2:10, 3:40 and 4:23 am so he could go outside and look for the deer. It's was like he knew they were out there, he just couldn't hind them.    (See Photo Below)
Now that I'm awake and can't go back to sleep. Wilber and Pooh however don't seem to have that problem. They look very comfortable.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Barking Dog

When we got Wilber he almost never barked. About a year ago I discovered that if I howled he would start barking. So every now and then we sing together. My husband thinks we're a little crazy and a lot loud so we don't do it very often. Then about a month ago he started barking at me when we played in the back yard. It's a funny kind of bark. He barks once and his tail spins around, barks once again and that tail spins and so on. He might bark 6 or 8 time before he takes off running in big laps around the yard. He thinks this is so much fun.
Sometimes I have to leave him home alone for a few hours to run errands. Now when I get home and pull into the driveway I can hear him barking like he is going to eat someone up. When I open the door he does the DANCE & SPIN and wants to go out, then back in and a have cookie. He seems to thinks this barking thing is something new and wonderful that only he can do. Sometimes when he barks he seems surprised that that noise came out of him.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Big Job Hunt

I have been looking for a new job for over a month now, ever since the flower shop closed for business on Christmas eve. I think I have applied to about 10 or so jobs with no luck. Today I applied for the position of customer service manager of The Greater Huntsville Humane Society. It's a non-profit no-kill animal shelter here in town. I hope I can at least get an interview.  I have heard absolutely nothing back from the other jobs I applied to at all. It's all so frustrating. 

Wilber, on the other hand, has been very happy to have his Mom home and all to himself everyday. He has me trained. It's "Mom where is my breakfast, I need to go out, I want to come in, I want a cookie, or leave me alone can't you see I'm taking a nap."  When his Daddy gets home in the evening it's the  BIG DANCE & SPIN in the kitchen and "I want my supper now Daddy!" And for the next three hours it's in and out and FEED ME!, LOVE ME!, FEED ME!!!!!! Then at about 8 o'clock it's off to bed he goes. Mike, my husband, says when he dies he's coming back as my dog so I can spoil him too! He is such a funny dog.